Unlock Registration, Expert Consultation, and Comprehensive EPR Fulfillment with CercleX EPR Solutions – Addressing Plastic, E-Waste, Battery, and Tyre Waste Management.
“Scale your Sustainability goals with Cerclex EPR Solutions.”
Ensure State-wise sourcing and collection of waste from our ULBs and Aggregators network
across India.
Complete traceable & trackable EPR transactions. Get access to the EPR information base
from our Dashboard.
Plan, monitor, and measure EPR workflow in real time.
Cerclex EPR solutions help to accomplish your EPR needs from compliance to fulfilment
across PAN India
Access all your EPR documents, Invoices, and collection reports directly from our EPR dashboard.
Assign multiple users to plan, control and manage your EPR targets efficiently.
Brands we worked with
EPR Targets achieved
State-wise EPR network
Circularity-Driven EPR approach
Ut ornare quisque blandit condimentum nec viverra habitant non. Consequat id leo bibendum enim, fringilla pulvinar volutpat fames. Ut fames ut sed lobortis nulla. In dui enim et pharetra gravida diam semper lectus tellus. Faucibus mi convallis.
Fames netus pretium massa lobortis sit metus et. Sit risus odio fermentum hac fames enim, ac, in. Neque lacus, consequat hendrerit potenti in tristique dictum. Tortor nec lorem et venenatis facilisis risus viverra nunc, eu. Eget suscipit vel amet.
Diam bibendum scelerisque vel mauris magna. Iaculis interdum tincidunt eget nibh purus. Aliquet at sit morbi nisi volutpat fermentum scelerisque. Enim tincidunt eros sodales integer sapien. Eu ullamcorper egestas odio nunc faucibus. Sapien eu nunc sed facilisi luctus ac.
A Go-to-EPR Partner to engage & enable brands to adapt sustainability through the right PROs and obtain EPR circularity for their post-consumer products.
With dynamic recycling operations, and effective collection and disposal, Cerclex PRO shifts a substantial amount of E-waste out of landfills.
“Complete suite of EPR solutions in a Sustainable approach”
100% verified ULBs, aggregators, co-processors and
recyclers connected with us across India.
Take your complete EPR workflow online with the CercleX
EPR solution for easy access anywhere, anytime and
to avoid delays in EPR fulfillments.
Experience the most comprehensive and efficient
handling of EPR fulfillments.
We value your opinion and welcome any suggestions or feedback that will help to improve us. If you have any, please fill out the form. Our customer support team will reach you soon.