Eleven Year Old Ryan is the Planet Warrior We DON’T Need

Ryan is the Planet Warrior the World Doesn't Need.

The Future of Waste Management is Managing Less Waste – Not More Waste.


Ryan is a 11-year old who started building his recycling business when he was just 3 years old. 🙇‍♂️

When Ryan Hickman was just 3 years old, he went with his father to recycle for the first time.

After sorting his bottles and cans, he became obsessed with recycling, and how it can help save the environment, and decided to start his own business – Ryan’s Recycling Company.

Now 11, Ryan has so far kept more than 900,000 bottles and cans from going to the landfill.

This is both saddening and uplifting at the same time.

One kid.


Imagine the worldwide mess we are leaving behind. 🤯

The planet has no place for a linear economy; we need to go circular.

Are we leaving the next generation with just too much to do?

What do you think?