PWM | EPR | Recycling of PET bottles | Plastic | PET Bottles | Importance | Waste Management | Recycling Services | EPR Target Fulfilment | EPR in Plastic | Extended Producer Responsibility | Cercle X | Sustainability | Waste Management

Is EPR only about complying with PWM rules?

Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR) was introduced in Plastic Waste Management Rules in 2016. Thus, terrifying the companies might lose their license if they don’t obey the rules. EPR design helps to integrate the actual environmental costs of the products throughout their lifecycle. EPR not only includes plastic waste management but any product which can harm the environment, […]

Sustainable Living | Linear | Circular Economy | Plastic | PET Bottles | Importance | Waste Management | Recycling Services | EPR Target Fulfilment | EPR in Plastic | Extended Producer Responsibility | Cercle X | Sustainability | Waste Management | Smartbin | Metabin | Blockchain | IOT Dustbin

What is digital PRO?

PRO, also known as Producer Responsibility Organization, is a crucial EPR principle, which puts the responsibility of environmental impacts of products on its producer. PRO recognizes two sectors Plastic and E-Waste Management. Digital PRO allows the producers to connect and transfer information through the web and other devices. PRO is financed and authorized individually and collectively […]

e-waste | recycling | EPR | PWM | IWM | Earth Day | Waste Management India |Plastic | PET Bottles | Importance | Waste Management | Recycling Services | EPR Target Fulfilment | EPR in Plastic | Extended Producer Responsibility | Cercle X | Sustainability | Waste Management

What Is EPR In E-Waste Recycling?

India has a massive waste management problem. As a developing nation with an unfathomable population, the country’s waste management capabilities have a hard time keeping up with our waste generation rates.  The most problematic type of waste to deal with is electronic waste. It takes a long time to process and has considerable costs involved […]

Online EPR | Registration | Authorization | Certification | e-waste | recycling | EPR | PWM | IWM | Earth Day | Waste Management India |Plastic | PET Bottles | Importance | Waste Management | Recycling Services | EPR Target Fulfilment | EPR in Plastic | Extended Producer Responsibility | Cercle X | Sustainability | Waste Management

Is EPR Brand Specific & your brand 100% EPR Compliant?

EPR is an environmental policy in which the producer’s responsibility extends to the product life cycle’s post-consumer stage. EPR schemes promote total life cycle ecological improvements of product systems. EPR motivates brands to use innovations and bring changes in the initial production stage to reduce hazardous and harmful materials in the products. Read further to […]

Producer Responsibility | Plastic Waste Management Company | EPR Registration | Plastic Bottle | PET Bottles | Waste Management India |Plastic | PET Bottles | Importance | Waste Management | Recycling Services | EPR Target Fulfilment | EPR in Plastic | Extended Producer Responsibility | Cercle X | Sustainability | Waste Management

What is Circular EPR – Implementation & Benefits

What is Circular EPR? Extended Producer Responsibility helps in funding, managing, and implementing products when they turn into waste. This system enables retailers and brand owners to manage the products and meet their recycling targets. Circular EPR refers to a closed waste loop that forms a circular economic cycle to retain the market’s material value. […]

Online EPR | Registration | Authorization | Certification | e-waste | recycling | EPR | PWM | IWM | Earth Day | Waste Management India |Plastic | PET Bottles | Importance | Waste Management | Recycling Services | EPR Target Fulfilment | EPR in Plastic | Extended Producer Responsibility | Cercle X | Sustainability | Waste Management

CercleX: Online EPR Registration, Authorization & Certification

How to apply online for EPR? EPR, which is Extended Producer Responsibility, is a strategy to deal with the disposal of electrical and electronic versions of standard products (EEE).  E-waste contains chemicals like mercury, lead, cadmium, and brominated flame retardants that can severely affect human health and the environment. Extended Producer Responsibility policy holds manufacturers accountable […]

Plastic Waste Management Company | EPR Registration | Plastic Bottle | PET Bottles | Waste Management India |Plastic | PET Bottles | Importance | Waste Management | Recycling Services | EPR Target Fulfilment | EPR in Plastic | Extended Producer Responsibility | Cercle X | Sustainability | Waste Management

EPR Registration – Authorization Process

Who will be registered for EPR? According to E-waste rules 2016, the EPR authorization is Central Pollution Boards Responsibility. The CPCB controls the registration and the approval of EPR of different industries and companies. EPR registration ensures that the product manufacturers are responsible for the entire life cycle of the product. Read the article till the […]

Plastic Waste Management Company | EPR Registration | Plastic Bottle | PET Bottles | Waste Management India |Plastic | PET Bottles | Importance | Waste Management | Recycling Services | EPR Target Fulfilment | EPR in Plastic | Extended Producer Responsibility | Cercle X | Sustainability | Waste Management

Why is EPR important?

Extended Producer Responsibility aims to ensure that manufacturers are responsible for the end life of their products. It is applied in different forms like product take back, economic and market based, information-based, product standards, and regulations.  EPR creates various economic, social, and environmental benefits, with an improvement in waste management. The products that fall into EPR […]