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Challenges faced in buying & selling Scraps

Introduction to Scrap Industry With the increase in population, consumption rate, and limitless consumption of resources, scrap industries are expanding rapidly by dealing with millions and millions of tons of waste every day. With an unmanaged amount of waste deposited each day due to the spectacular growth in human population, the development of rural areas, […]

waste management policy

The Need for Effective Waste Management Policies

The rapid evolution of advanced technology, increase in population, and intentional climatic change has forced down to look after the productive waste management system with high efficiency. Waste management implies all sorts of waste (Commercial or industrial waste, plastic, hazardous, household, and agricultural waste).  The Idealistic approach to waste management is to prevent waste generation at its […]

Environmental Impact of Waste Disposal

Environmental Impact of Waste Disposal

Are we living in a sustainable & healthy ecological system? The vast majority can respond to these questions within seconds as “NO.” This is because immeasurable and uncontrollable tons of waste is being deposited into the landfills without anyone’s concern. Where does all this dumped waste go? All the thrown-away trash is being deposited into […]

Waste Management in Tamil Nadu

Waste Management in Tamil Nadu

Waste Management – A Growing Concern In the country’s most urbanized state, with more than 48.5% of people living in the Urban & semi-Urban Sectors, it is essential to manage and improve the waste management activities to free up the world from waste.  The practices of Waste Management transformed with the use of tech-stack waste clearing technologies […]


ThinkTrash makes it possible

How do we increase corporate adoption of recycled products in their offices/factories/production lines? By improving the quality of recycled products. 🤫 How do we do that? First, effective segregation of waste material at source. Second, increased availability of recovered material through more efficient collection systems. Third, automatized sorting systems to ensure highest segregation possibility. Finally, […]

Be Responsible – climate change

I’ve seen plenty of deniers tell me about how we are ‘hyping up’ climate change. Their argument is that there is not enough ‘substantial’ scientific evidence that we, as humans, are responsible for climate change. 🙆‍♀ Why do we need evidence to get acting on something we know is wrong? We know that discarding a […]

Circular Waste Management Strategies : Current Scenario

The current waste management system is not enough to achieve a truly circular world. Globally, the system is broken. 🙆‍♂ Waste is a global pandemic, with absolutely no solution in sight. Only 9% of all plastic produced worldwide, through all these decades, has been recycled. Read that again for a moment. I’ve not even started […]